Friday 9 November 2012

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Does your GPA really matter?

 Does your grades/GPA really get you the job? How often do employers actually take your GPA into consideration, and doesn't experience and talent outweigh your grades/GPA? Do grades or CGPA really matter for fresh graduates? This is a hot topic of discussion inside the university anywhere, anytime while you are studying. Those with low CGPA and grades try to defend themselves with the opinion that GPA doesn’t matter while others with good grades usually degrade others with the opinion that students with low CGPA cannot find a good job. This is a common statement that those with high GPA will get a high paid job with high salary. This statement is quite misleading. It’s not only your GPA which matters in the end; there are many other factors as well which will count towards your getting a dream job.

I’d like to think of myself as a very flexible person who sees both sides of the coin.  Hence, in this article, I want to highlight where, how and up to what extent your GPA matters and where your GPA doesn’t matter at all, and why you should feel confident in never putting your GPA on your resume. 

GPA is the most essential part of some of the students University life. Most of the students or should I say every student you can see in University or colleges has a stress to possess an attractive GPA. They thought that if they don't have good GPA than they will not be offered by jobs and they will starve from death.

Your GPA and grades matter only when you need to give interviews in companies (which are very few in number) where they have a requirement of 3.0 or 3.5 CGPA to appear in their test. Usually the employers of such companies think that they need to short list students on some basis. As many of the students are from the same universities who have done similar projects so only factor of evaluation for the employer is their CGPA or grades. But as I have told you earlier, there are fewer companies which require you to have higher GPA. Many multinational and other high standard companies evaluate students based on their own tests and interviews where they have no limit of GPA or grades.
Your GPA also come into account when you have to apply for higher education. Due to many number of students applying each year, they will prefer students with higher GPA.

In the practical field, grades or GPA does not matter at all. To perform better in practical life, you need knowledge beyond the scope of books. A large number of industries do not bother to look at a student’s GPA or even their transcripts if the candidate is able to clear their assessment skills test and screening interview.

You guys have must possess strong technical and practical knowledge in the field you are studying in. You must have great presentation skills & communication skills. You must be a practical person fully equipped with understanding of basic principles and knowledge of your field. If you have some skills then you need not to worry about your low grades and GPA.

Apart from GPA and all other capabilities and skills, there is another factor which comes into play when you are applying for a job. That is your LUCK! In my personal opinion, getting a dream job is 50% skills & learning and 50% luck. You need to have confidence in your luck.

Despite all the discussion above, all of you guys are advised to pay due attention to your studies and secure good grades and GPA. Because in the end, your GPA or grades show that what potential you have and how responsible you are. While you are studying, your only job is to secure good grades, if you cannot do this then you are not very responsible.

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