Sunday 19 May 2013

Engineering is a Journey, Not a Destination

Once upon a recent time, there was a child called "Yawar" in a country called Islamic Republic of Pakistan. He used to study hard to get grades till 5th, and then he worked really hard to get good percentage till 9th. He was working fine till then, he was an average student and he was living happily. Then his world suddenly changed, uss ki zindagi mein boards aa gaye! YES! You heard it correct. Boards... boards… boards. He was made to join hundreds of crap tuitions which taught him some stupid ways to mug up theorems in math's. So he mugs up throughout the year and gets the much hyped 90.0000% in his final exams including 100/100 in English. Undoubtedly we are producing millions of shake spears every year. But what he thought was a passing cyclone was the welcome song for coming tornado. Then the next big question comes to Yawar from his father baita, which branch are you choosing science or science or science or science Now he is in a dilemma, choosing the latter option which means taking commerce, humanities or any other existing branch is like self-opting for other backward class category without 27% reservation. So he ponders about remaining two taking science part 2 (non medical) means he will have to work really hard and spend his father's life earned income to live a life of a devotee. Yawar" says- hmm this is impossible for me. Let’s be an engineer.

Welcome my friend you are welcome to the world of aspiring people .He fills up many coaching forms and join the one which has most number of pictures with most unhandsome people of world as their marketing strategy. His rat race has begun, remember the line the rat race the race against millions of aspiring students who want to join engineering without even knowing why they even want to be an engineer. He is dying every day to be an engineer, he is getting choked to be an engineer every second he breathes. He has left playing cricket at streets in which he was good at. Our Yawar the puppet of our coaching is struggling to even pass in school and he still cramming the coaching material because our national textbook can't teach what our national competitions expect. He is giving so many exams with "abcde" as options in a sheet full of circles that would decide his future. The question is why is he doing this ...????

"Engineering is a journey, it’s not a destination"

More than 50% of the Pakistani engineering students aspire for MBA because they think Engineering is not made for them, they just survive Engineering, or i should say trespass it, I hope that MBA would click for them.